Our commitment to Safeguarding
The RAF Benevolent Fund is committed to safeguarding all children, young people and adults who encounter our work.

The RAF Benevolent Fund is committed to safeguarding all children, young people and adults who encounter our work. We believe that everyone has an equal right to protection from abuse, regardless of their age, race, religion, ability, gender, language, background, or sexual identity. Protecting people and ensuring that we have a safe system of operating is a priority for the RAF Benevolent Fund. Safeguarding is a fundamental responsibility for all and protecting people is at the heart of everything we do and everything we are.
We will take every reasonable step to ensure that children, young people, and adults are protected where our staff, volunteers, and associates (including third parties) are involved in the delivery of our work. Anyone can raise a concern with us. All concerns will be taken seriously, investigated fully, and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
Our safeguarding policy gives a clear direction for those working for, and on behalf of, the RAF Benevolent Fund on the expected behaviour and our responsibilities to safeguard and promote the welfare of all adults, children, and young people. A copy of our safeguarding policy can be obtained from the HR Team.
We enable all staff and those who work with us to make informed and confident decisions regarding safeguarding, including the reporting of concerns. We expect everyone (all staff and volunteers, and anyone working on behalf of the Charity) to have read, understood, and agreed to adhere to the Fund’s Safeguarding policies. The RAF Benevolent Fund is committed to using effective safer recruitment practices, and all those involved in recruitment uphold our principles, above and beyond our statutory requirements.
The RAF Benevolent Fund has developed clear and robust policies and procedures to support our unequivocal commitment to safeguarding, and our Board of Trustees oversee our performance in this important area of our work. Safeguarding those who are at risk is a critical part of the Fund’s work and all of us have a vital role ensuring that those we come into contact with are kept safe.
The Fund’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is Emrys Rogers, Head of Housing, Safeguarding & Assurance. You can contact Emrys confidentially on 020 7307 3355 or by email.
Alternatively, you can raise any concerns confidentially by contacting the Director Grants, Services & Programmes, on 020 7307 3306 and by email.